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The Shiva Yogis Blog

Aum Namah Shivaya 
A  Journey through the mystical experiences of a Sadhak...

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Myself and this Blog......

Author on day of Diwali 2024


Aum Namah Shivaya​

Myself, Tharun Simson is  a humble practisioner of ancient Siddha system of Shiva Yoga. This system of practise, orginating from the Adiyogi himself is spread by Lord Muruga and the great sage Agasthya Muni. I am hailing from India and currently a resident of Germany. This blog is my humble attempt to reveal many of the my mystical experiences that I had through the course of my life and Sadhana. All Sadhanas or meditative paths are only tools that brings a practisioner to state of Turiya or Super Consiousness.  It is the practice and mediation in the state of Turiya that leads one to the goal of self realisation. As all paths lead to the one goal, I hope this blog explaining my mystical experiences and researches I had made on them, will be a source for many  a practisioner to understand many of the unspoken secrets that he/she will experience in this journey. I hope this will become a resource for knowledge for spiritual seekers and mediators.

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